Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

Tourism Around Tegalega (Bandung)

Tegallega Parks
Tegallega is one of green Areas in the South of Bandung, that emerge with the “Bandung Lautan Api” Monument. Before becoming a park that is neat and green as it is now, the Tegallega parks are  horse race arena as an annual event in Bandung (Bandung Travel Info, 2013). Many activities of people can be found around the park Tegallega, such as sports jogging, aerobic and bycicling. Even sometimes the park is often also used as a concert venue national bands that held until late at night. Other than that, if we want to find snacks and local products are cheaper then in Store  Prince, visited in the afternoon to this place. Because at the time of the afternoon until night we will find local residents who hold merchandise ranging from food and clothing on sale around the park.

“Bandung Lautan Api” Monuments
One of the most famous area in the history of Bandung is South Area that ever occur “Bandung Lautan Api” events or Bandung Lake of Fire.
the area south of the city is the scorched earth of this region, known as Bandung lake of fire events. Set of fire of  Bandung at that time, was a last resort because the citizens do not want the entire area of ​​South Bandung again controlled by the Dutch and United Kingdom.

History of Bandung Lautan Api
Proclamation of Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945 are not entirely independent, there was people who still struggle to be taken gradually in maintaining independence. After Japan's defeat, the British army came to disarm the Japanese troops. They conspired with the Netherlands (army NICA) and manipulated Japan to colonize Indonesia again.
News reading of the text Declaration of Independence in Bandung via Jakarta received via DOMEI news agency on Friday morning, August 17, 1945. The next day, August 18, 1945, printed the text has been dispersed. Printed in red ink by Siliwangi printing. DENIS Building, Jalan Braga (now the Bank Jabar), tearing incident blue Dutch flag, so that the colors red and white to stay Indonesian flag. Tearing with the bayonet carried by a young Indonesian man named Mohammad Endang Karmas, assisted by Moeljono. (Bandung Tourism, 2013)
People's Security Agency (BKR) was formed on August 27, 1945 prepared the establishment of the Indonesian Women's Army (Laswi) on October 12, 1945. BKR formation and Laswi is a form of response to various pressures and attacks mavam constantly being made by the UK and the Netherlands. Dated December 5, 1945, some British aircraft bombed the large area of Lengkong. On December 21, 1945, the English drop bombs and gunfire in Cicadas, and causing many casualties.
Ultimatum to the Indonesian People's Army (TRI) to leave the city and the people, politics spawned "bumihangus"/ the set of fire of  because people do not want to take advantage of the enemy in the city of Bandung. The decision is the result of the Union of Struggle Priangan Deliberation Council (MP3) on 24 March 1946.
n carrying out the action, the entire residents of Bandung Evacuate to the stricken area in the mountains of the South. The entire armory is in the southern city of Bandung also burned including Munitions factory contained in Dayeuh Kolot successfully detonated and caused a huge fire, while burning two young heroes, Muhammad Toha and Ramdan who blew up the warehouse with a hand grenade. Since that time approximately 24.00 o’clock South Bandung has been empty of inhabitants and the TRI, but flames bllowing into a sea of ​​fire burning city. This event also gave birth to a very famous fight song is "Halo-Halo Bandung" (Bandung Tourism, 2013)
Halo-halo Bandung (Indonesia translation)
Halo-halo Bandung, Ibukota perhiayangan
Halo-halo Bandung, kota kenang-kenangan
Sudah lama beta, tidak berjumpa dengan kau
Sekarang sudah menjadi lautan api.
Mari Bung, rebut kembali..

Halo-halo Bandung (English translation)
Halo-halo Bandung, the capital perhiayangan
Halo-halo Bandung city keepsake
It has long I am, does not meet with you
Now it's become a sea of ​​fire.
Let man, take back ..

Address, Monument “Bandung Lautan Api and Tegallega Parks: Jl. BKR and Otto Iskandar Dinata

Sri Baduga Museum
West Java is a province inhabited by a majority of the Sundanese people in Indonesia, so it inherits the Sundanese culture and history that is very thick. Yet, The province is not the exclusive province inhabited by the Sundanese course, but there are also other people who inhabit this province such as the Javanese in Cirebon and Indramayu which form its own Java Identity but in a relationship, and both of that part of the kingdom of Padjadjaran in past. Therefore in order to maintain the existing cultural heritage, as counter against globalization that causes blurred local values, ​​makes creating a museum in safeguarding heritage Cultural in perspective is necessary and can not bargain - negotiable. What's more , the region of West Java is very strategic and high population mobility lead to the extinction of native cultural tendencies West Java Tend to be high . 1974 is beginning with the establishment of the Museum of Sri Baduga using Kawedanaan Tegallega former building . Inauguration of the Museum of West Java, held on June 5, 1980 by the Minister of Education and Culture, at the time, Dr . DAud Joesoef accompanied by Governor of West Java Province H. Aang Kunaefi . Meanwhile, the Museum becomes " Sri Baduga " king who ruled at Padjadjaran the launch on 1 April 1990. Then become a museum Sribaduga State until now. ( museum Sribaduga , 2013)
Sri Baduga Museum has a number of collections as much as 6815 collection consists of 6559 pieces, 222 sets, 23 sets and 11 pairs were then grouped into 10 classifications. (Sribaduga Museum, 2013)
a.       Collection of objects Geologika / Geografika in Sribaduga museum collection consists of 79 pieces of rocks, fossils and other natural formations.
b.      Bilogica collection of objects consisting of 180 pieces in the form of objects that become the object of research / that are learned by the disciplines of biology, including a skull, skeleton in the form of plant and animal fossils or not.
c.        Ethnography consists of 2,544 pieces, 181 sets, 20 sets and 9 pairs, Form objects into an object of research / that are learned by the discipline of anthropology, the results of which form of objects that illustrate the cultural identity of the ethnic.
d.      Arkeologica consists of 953 pieces and 3 sets. In the form of relics from the prehistoric period up to the influence of the West.
e.       Historica consists of 16 pieces , 6 sets and 3 sets of Form objects that have historical value include relics from the influence of the west until now ( new history ) , was used for matters relating to the course of events ( history ) , relating to community organizations ( country , group , figure ).
f.       Numismatica / heraldika consists of 1,775 pieces in the form of currency or means of exchange ( tokens ) are valid . Heraldika there - was a collection of objects that is a sign of merit , emblems , and insignia of official ( seal / stamp ).
g.      Filologica consists of 152 pieces of Form objects that are hand-written manuscripts , describes a thing or event.
h.      Keramologica consists of 606 pieces and 1 set.Berupa objects made of burnt clay ( baced clay ) or glassware.
i.         Art consists of 135 pieces and 2 pairs . Form of objects which are embodiment of artistic expression of human pe - ngalaman through two or three demensional object .
j.        Teknologica consists of 119 pieces and 27 sets . A collection of objects that are the result of the development of traditional technology until now .
Address : Museum Sribaduga , BKR Road no. 185

Shoes Center Cibaduyut
            Cibaduyut is an Industry Icon of Bandung local produce and Leather craft shoes. Cibaduyut located in the district of South Bojongloa, and it is the longest shoe sales market in the world where the craftsmen inherit the ability to make shoes from generation go generations. Inauguration Cibaduyut as one of the tourist destinations namely Bandung in 1989.
            If you visit the city of Bandung, it would better you to stop by this Cibaduyut area. Place in the south terminal Leuwipanjang provide unique shoes affordable. Shoes and various other accessories that are all locally produced. Statue in the South Cibaduyut shoes Leuwipanjang terminal, an access to the entrance of Jalan Bandung Cibaduyut.

Festival City Link Bandung
            Festival City Link is a large shopping center in the city of Bandung is located in Jalan Peta (Lingkar Selatan ), and established in 2010 and officially opened on October 28, 2010. Before the Festival City Link stands , this mall was formerly called Mollis ( South Ring Mall/ Mall Lingkar Selatan ) which was established in 2003 with the founding of Carrefour, Yogya Dept. Store, Timezone. But in 2009 Mollis closed and the building was renovated in 2009-2010. ( Bandung Tourism, 2013).
For tourists Festival City Link is highly recommended because it merges with two hotel , namely the Harris Hotel & Convention and PO!. Festival City Link consists of 4 retail floor area supported 2 floor entertainment area. Lower ground inhabited by Lotte Mar, several banks, F & B court, rides Time Zone & Jurassic and health care. Ground floor and first floor occupied by Matahari Department Store and several tenants fashion. The 3rd floor is inhabited by Electronic Solution. While the occupants of floors 3 and 3A is the Harris Hotel, Fe'Link Food Court, NAV Karaoke, Cinema XXI and other entertainment place.

Palasari Book Centre
Books is Awindow of the World, by the book we can open our horizons as a source of inspiration and Sciences. The excerpt seems to be the cornerstone of how Palasari Present Book Centre in Bandung, as a wholesaler of cheap books which facilitates people to get the book at a cheaper price than a large shopping center.
Center Palasari books are around the Jalan Palasari Bandung, and we can find a variety of books ranging from general knowledge books, textbooks, novels, magazines and others with very low prices in the traditional wholesale which had stood since the 1980 's .
At first, in 1958, Palasari Traditional Book Market is located in the square Cikapundung, but in 1980 through the Bandung Government policy for development purposes, the market shifted to Jalan Palasari central education. Although after a fire in 1992, but as we can see, Palasari still stands to this day. ( Septi Nurdiyanti , 2012)
Cigondewah Fabric Center
Cigondewah a fabric trading centers in south Bandung, in addition to Tamim and Pasar Baru. The area is almost entirely sold this fabric lined street bordering Cigondewah Rahayu - Palay Sindang as industrial centers hats, bags, jackets, etc.
H. Kohir a pioneer that build Cigondewah Pabric center at about the 90's, followed by other people, where before it became the center of the fabric, a center Cigondewah sacks of rice. Apparently, shoppers at the center of the fabric is not only residents Cigondewah or Bandung West Java course but there are also people of Malaysia or Japan who happen to live in Bali. Sort of information from the mass media of radio, television or newspapers large influence on the market, or economic developments. The appeal of the textile trade center Cigondewah include : ( BandungTourism , 2013)
a. Centers sales of all kinds of cloth
b . Centers of production and sales of bags and purses
c . Centers of production and sale of hats
d . Centers sales molar recycling plant
e . Centers Sentar production and sales of children's clothing and adult
f . Centers penjualam support materials industry and convection
g . Centers and sales centers of Muslim fashion
h . Centers on centers and sales kesed dain patchwork
i . Centers sales of recycled materials such as plant : cardboard, plastic bags, rags, yarn, and patchwork.

Padepokan Seni Mayang Sunda Jl. Peta 209 Bandung
In the southern city of Bandung on Jl. Peta No. 209 Bandung, also founding a hermitage Sundanese Art and Culture are routinely carry Sundanese performing arts performances such as kacapian, Jaipongan, Longser, puppet performances and so on.
Government buildings that had stopped this function, but has been used again since the year 2013. As a point of discussion, various art performances every night of the week for free with a weighting of 70% traditional art and 30% contemporary art. (Penny Yuniasri, 2013)

Jaipong Dances History

The Traditional Art of West Java
Jaipongan is a genre of dance that was born from the creativity of an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira. Attention to folk art, one of which is Tap Tilu know and know well make it perbendaharan dance movement patterns that exist in the tradition Kliningan / Bajidoran or Tap Tilu. Opening movements, pencugan, nibakeun and several kinds of motion of several arts mincid above have enough inspiration to develop a dance or art that is now known as the Jaipongan. As a social dance, dance Jaipong successfully developed by the artist dances are popular in the community of Sunda and highly favored by the people of West Java (in particular), and even popular until outside West Java.

CALL Jaipongan actually will not only remind people in a kind of attractive traditional Sundanese dance with dynamic motion. Hands, shoulders, and hips always been a dominant part in the pattern of the agile movement, accompanied by beating drums. Especially in female dancers, all of it is always accompanied with a sweet smile and cast in the eye. This is the kind of social dance in traditional Sundanese dance that emerged in the late 1970s that its popularity to this day still live in the community.

History Before this form of performance art show, there are several forms of dance influences behind this association. In West Java, for example, social dance is the influence of the Ball Room, which is usually in a dance-dance association could not be separated from existence and pamogoran ronggeng. Ronggeng in social dance is no longer functioning for activities of the ceremony, but for entertainment or a way of hanging out. The existence ronggeng in the performing arts has an appeal that invites sympathy for the pamogoran. For example on Tilu Tap dance is so well known by the Sundanese people, is expected this art popular around the year 1916. As the folk performing arts, this art is supported only by simple elements, such as waditra that includes fiddle, drums, two kulanter, three percussion, and gongs. Similarly, the dance movements that do not have a standard pattern of motion, a simple costume dancer as a reflection of democracy.

Along with the waning type of art above, the former pamogoran (spectators who play an active role in the performing arts Tap Tilu / Doger / Tayub) switched its attention on the performing arts Kliningan, which in the north coast of West Java (Karawang, Bekasi, Purwakarta, Indramayu, and Subang ) known as Kliningan Bajidoran dance patterns and events that show has some similarities with the previous art (Tap Tilu / Doger / Tayub). In the meantime, the existence of masked dances in Banjet quite popular, especially in Karachi, where some Bajidoran motion pattern taken from the dance in this Banjet Mask. In koreografis dance is still reveal the patterns of tradition (Tap Tilu) which contains elements of the opening movements, pencugan, nibakeun and several kinds of motion mincid which in turn become the basis of the creation of dance Jaipongan. Some basic dance movements Jaipongan apart from Tap Tilu, Ibing Bajidor and Mask Banjet is Tayuban and Pencak Silat.

The emergence of dance works Gugum Gumbira initially called Tap Tilu development, that is because it is a basic dance from Tap Tilu development. The first work Gugum Gumbira still very thick with color Ibing Tilu Tap, both in terms of choreography and iringannya, who then dance it became popularly known as Jaipongan.

Typical Jaipongan kaleran style, which is fun, erotic, humorous, excitement, spontaneity, and simplicity (naturally, whatever they are). This was reflected in the pattern of presentation of dance on the show, there is a given pattern (Ibing pattern) as in art Jaipongan in Bandung, also there are also dances that are not dipola (Ibing Saka), for example in art Jaipongan Subang and Karawang. This term can be found in Jaipongan kaleran style, especially in the area of Subang. In the presentation, this kaleran Jaipongan style, as follows: 1) Tatalu; 2) Flower Gadung; 3) Fruit Kawung Gopar; 4) Dance Opening (Ibing Pattern), usually performed by a single dancer or Sinden Tatandakan (sinden attack but can not sing but dance songs sinden / interpreter kawih); 5) Jeblokan and Jabanan, is part performance when the audience (Bajidor) Sawer money (jabanan) while greeting paste. Jeblokan term is defined as couples who settled between sinden and the audience (Bajidor).

Dance Development Jaipong Work Jaipongan first began to be known by the public is dance "Leaves Pulus Keser Bojong" and "Rendeng Bojong" both of which are types of dance girls and dance in pairs (boys and girls). From the dance that emerged a few names that are reliable Jaipongan dancers like Tati Saleh, Yeti Mamat, Eli Somali, and Pepen Dedi Kurniadi. Early emergence of the dance had become a conversation, the central issue is the movement of the erotic and vulgar. But from the few print media exposure, name Gugum Gumbira becoming known society, especially after the dance Jaipongan in 1980 staged at the central station TVRI Jakarta. The impact of the popularity of the more increases the frequency of performances, both in the medium of television, a celebration or celebrations held by the private sector and government.

Attendance Jaipongan significant contribution towards the instigators of the art of dance to more actively explore the types of folk dances that were previously less attention. With the emergence of dance Jaipongan, used by activists to organize dance courses dance Jaipongan, used also by businessmen pubs as a decoy night invited guests, where the development of further business opportunities this kind of dance was formed by activists as an effort by the economic empowerment Dance Studio names or groups in some areas of West Java, for example in Subang with Jaipongan style "kaleran" (north).

Further development occurred in taahun dance Jaipongan 1980-1990's, where Gugum Gumbira create another dance such as Toka-toka, Setra Sari, Sonteng, Pencug, Heron dazed, motorcade procession Leaf-Puring, Rawayan and dance Kawung Anten. From these dances appear some skilled dancers Jaipongan include Iceu Effendi, Yumiati Mandiri, Miming Mintarsih, Nani, Erna, Mira Tejaningrum, Ine Dinar, Ega, Nuni, Cepy, Agah, Aa Suryabrata and Asep.

Today the dance Jaipongan be called as one of identity keseniaan West Java, this is apparent on several important events relating to visitors from foreign countries who came to West Java, it was greeted with Jaipongan dance performances. Similarly, with art missions to foreign countries, always equipped with a dance Jaipongan. Dance Jaipongan affect many other crafts in the community of West Java, both on the art of wayang, gamelan, Genjring / Terbangan, Kacapi jaipong, and almost all public performances as well as on modern dangdut music which collaborated with Jaipong.

Source :

Buku Penari Sunda

This book tells the struggle of a Jaipongan dancer in Indonesia post-independence era .. Entertaining, and quite touching ..

if u interested in the novel of culture, I think this is the right book to choice

hatur nuhun

Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Sundanese Languange

This Video is about sundanese Script, don't worry if you feel hard to use this, because this script doesn't used in common situation mostly we use Roman Script to write


If you interested to shop, very Cheap good brand and local Fashion product. I recommend you to Visit Bandung in West Java/Sunda land..
As a Fashion Center in Indonesia there are many factory outlet, mall and also market that ready for fashion..

I love Bandung

Sundanese Vocabularies 1

Sundanese Vocabularies 1
Kecap-kecap basa Sunda 1

The foreigners who come to Indonesia for the first time will introduce with confusing of many languages although they stay in one place. One language between other is different in pronunciations and sounds.
Sundanese as one of the second biggest ethinc language in Indonesia, widely use ini many place from West Java and some place of Banten..
Commonly, if you could understand a little of this language, most sundanese in Indonesia such us Bandung, could consider you as brothers/sister , they did not hesitate to help you even in some cases traders in Bandung will provide them product more discounts to foreigners who did speak Sundanese,

where as Bandung is the center of fashion in Indonesia, so you can get a wide range of products in a more local fashion at Bandung store cheaper, if could use a little Sundanese language

Here I will share some of the words commonly used in alkaline Sunda especially in Bandung

•Basa sunda = Bahasa Sunda = Sundanese
•Wilujeng Sumping = Selamat Datang = Welcome
•Punten = Permisi = Excuse me
•Abdi = Saya = I am
•Anjeun = Kamu = You
•Taksi = Taksi = Taxy
•Pantai = Pantai = Beach
•Laut = Laut = Sea/Ocean
•Gunung = Gunung = Montain
•Kembang = Bunga = Flower
•Mobil = Mobil = Car
•Kapal Udara = Pesawat = Plane
•Statsion = Stasiun = Station
•Jalan = Jalan = Road
•Bank = Bank = Bank
•Sakola = Sekolah = School
•Tulung = Tolong = help
•Restoran = Restoran = Restaurant
•Roti = Roti = Bread
•Sangu = Nasi = Rice
•Artos = Uang = Money
•Raksukan = Baju = Clothes
•Lapar = Lapar = Hungry


bajidorkahot2Tari Bajidor Kahot,
source :
Di era tahun 2000 an muncul nama satu nomor tari yang dikenal dengan nama tari Bajidor Kahot. Tarian ini dengan cepat menjadi satu trend mark apabila kita mementaskan tari Jaipongan yang berasal dari daerah Jawa Barat. Tari ini menggunakan properti kipas dan selendang. Tari bajidor Kahot adalah tarian kreasi baru yang diangkat dari kombinasi antara Ketuk Tilu dan Jaipongan.

Nama Bajidor Kahot mempunyai kemungkinan ada hubungannya dengan,

Kliningan-Bajidoran merupakan sebuah bentuk pertunjukan rakyat yang diduga mulai muncul sekitar tahun 1950-an. Kemungkinan besar merupakan perkembangan dari ketuk tilu, sebab unsure yang paling esensi didalamnya masih tampak sajian kliningan-bajidoran, yaitu sinden sebagai transformasi dari ronggeng dan bajidor transformasi dari pamogoran. Sementara lagu dan tarian disajikan dengan gaya kliningan-bajidoran.
Pertunjukan kesenian ini merupakan ekspresi dari masyarakat Karawang, Arena Bajidoran menjadi ajang pertemuan masyarakat, bertemunya gaya kreasi, dan disadari atau tidak menjadi ajang persaingan status dan gengsi. Sehingga oleh beberapa pihak dimanfaatkan menjadi komersial dan sekuler. Hal ini menyebabkan penurunan nilai dan makna bajidoran, karena seniman semakin mementigkan selera pasar untuk tetap bertahan hidup.

Duet Bajidoran Sebuah Trend Baru
Dewasa ini, Bajidoran sedang nge-trend dengan istilah duet Bajidoran. Popularitas Bajidor seperti itu berawal ketika seorang pengusaha/petani H. Sarpin menyelenggarakan hajatan dengan dengan mengundang empat group Bajidoran sekaligus. Peristiwa itu memang jarang terjadi. namun memasuki tahun 2000, duet Bajidoran ini semakin diminati oleh para penyangga kesenian tersebut. Duet Bajidor adalah pertunjukan duet buah group Bajidor dalam satu lokasi, seperti dalam kesenian topeng Cirebon disebut Kuputarung. Masyarakat Kaleran biasa menyebut kesenian yang ditarungkan itu dengan sebutan Barungan.

Aslinya tarian ini berdurasi 13 menit tetapi untuk kebutuhan panggung dan waktu pertunjukan maka durasinya di pangkas menjadi 5 menit. Pada beberapa situs di internet disebutkan bahwa tarian ini menitik beratkan pada goyang pinggul. Tetapi sebenarnya tidak sedemikian simplenya. Karena menarikan Bajidor Kahot dan beberapa nomor tari jaipongan lainnya tidak melulu hanya bergoyang pinggul tetapi juga lengan, bahu, kepala, tangan dan ketrampilan step-step kaki.

Bajidor Kahot berangkat dari sebuah tarian rakyat yang bertemakan pergaulan, yang menceritakan tentang keceriaan para mojang. Itulah sebabnya tarian ini ditarikan oleh remaja-remaja putri yang cantik jelita.

How To Play Karinding

I have to translate some of this sundanese interview to English, very excited

4 ways to Playing Karinding By Abah Olot
4 Cara memainkan Karinding oleh Abah Olot

Bahasa Indonesia :
Karinding adalah alat music sunda yang terbuat dari bamboo (dulu pakai pohon aren) yang sudah ada sejak 500 tahun yang lalu. Alat musik ini sempat terancam punah, namun seiring berjalannya waktu akhirnya karinding dapat diselamatkan berkat abah olot di bantu oleh komunitas death metal di Bandung untuk diperkenalkan kembali kepada masyarakat terutama anak-anak muda.

Beberapa Waktu yang lalu, saya berkunjung ke saung abah olot yang terletak di daerah parakanmuncang ciamnggung, Sumedang.

Untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara memainkan karinding

Bahasa SUnda with English translation Spoken by Abah Olot;

Ari karinding di urang teh nya di jawa barat, di tatar sunda. Orang sunda. Di tatar sunda. Abah teh diwariskeun ku karuhun teh opat pirigan. Tah nu kahiji, eta pirigan baheula teh anu tina sora tongeret tea, seni tongeret. Naha sora tongeret> sabab euweuh tirueun. Jadi sora tonggeret teh karuhunna sora karinding. Tah ieu sora tonggeret geura.

Karinding is from us, from west Java, Sunda land. Sundanese in sunda land. Abah inherited by Ancestor for 4 (pirigan) accompanist. This is the first, in ancient first pirigan made from sound of tonggeret, tonggeret art. Why tonggeret sound, because cannot replicate. So tonggeret sound is the ancestor of karinding sound. This tonggeret sound.

Tah eta sora tonggeret teh. Mun ku istilah ayeuna mah meureun, nong eneng nong eneng, kitu dinu mawa kalimat dina surupan salendro. Mun ayuena mah nong eneng nong eneng lamun baheula mah tonggeret tonggeret.

That is the tonggeret sound. In present term like, nong eneng nong eneng, take sentences in salendro term. If now nong eneng nong eneng , in the past (sound like) tonggeret tonggeret.
Tah eta nu kahiji tonggeret, ayeuna nu kadua tutunggulan
That is first, now the second is tutunggulan.

Tutunggulan teh tah eta ari rek aya nu hajatan, atawa informasi rek aya gerhana bulan atawa naon tah make ieu halu atawa lisung. Wah rame dikampung the geuningan. Sabab baheula mah euweuh toa. Yeuh aya nanaon yeuh pasti aya nanaon yeuh, oh aya nu hajat pan ceuk karuhun aya gerhana matahari atawa gerhana bulan tah ieu tutunggulan dikenakeun kana karinding kurang keuwihna kitu..

Tutunggulan isu if theres any event, or information about sund and moon eclipse, or use halu or lisung. Very exciting in the village. Because in the old age there is no loud speaker. Is there any event exactly any event, oh there is weding said ancestor there is sun eclipse or moon eclipse, if tutunggulan used to karinding aproximatly like that.

Tah kitu ketukan nana jadi ketukanana ditempelkeun kana karinding, nu kadua eta, ayeuna nu katilu

That is the rithm so the rithm used to karinding, that is second, now is the third.

Nu katilu teh iring-iringan, jadi iring-iringan the sok dipake ayeuna mun aya acara adat kitu geuning nya..

The third is iring iringan, so iring-iringan always use for traditional ceremony

Apan baheula namah keur mapag raja, pan yeuna oge sarua geuning mapag raja, mapag panganten, raja sehari tea, tah baheula pan raja nyaan urang pedaleman … ieu iring-iring nu katilu, kurang leuwih ieu the

Because in the past to pick up the king, and now same for pick up the king, pick up the bride, as a king for one days, in the past king are people from noble (pedaleman)… this is the third iring-iring, aproximatly like this,

Tah eta iiringan, hiji deui rereogan, anu pake eta jimbe atawa dog-dog.. cing-ciring cing dog dog .. tah eta tah etanya

That is iiringan, the last one is rereoan, that always use jimbe or dog-dog.. cing-ciring cing dog dog.. like that

Kurang leuwing ditapelkeun kana karinding ,ketukan dog-dog na the kita, geura ieu kurang leuwih yeuh..

Aproximatly used to karinding, our dog-dog rhythm, aproximatly like this.